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9 week Combination online Course (Designed with kids 5-12 in mind)

  • 9 Weeks
  • 29 Steps
Combination art class for kids 5-12 years in mind, though children of all ages will love the creative projects, silly antics and fun way of learning.


Embark on a 9-week artistic adventure designed specifically for children aged 5-12! Our course encourages creative freedom and promotes a growth mindset, all while demonstrating watercolor, acrylic, and drawing techniques. It's not just about learning art—it's about nurturing creativity and enjoying the process. Join us for a vibrant exploration of art, skill-building, and joyful education AND a whole lot of silly humor. Miss Emily will keep your kid glued to the screen in all the right ways, with her crazy antics and engaging lessons. Week 1: Proportions and "Face"ing our fears Week 2: Print making at home and intro to color theory Week 3: Modeling clay and using our imagination Week 4: Painting clay and the Power of yet Week 5: Exaggerating features and what is an essence? Week 6: Watercolor techniques and making mistakes helps me grow Week 7: Animals and Humans, creating texture and movement Week 8: Background and foreground, how to differentiate Week 9: Creating depth and movement with paint

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



Single Payment
2 Plans Available
From $279.00/month


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